Grocery Bags

Grocery bag fabric
Originally uploaded by alyson_olander

I had an abbreviated sewing evening tonight because we had to keep the baby up so we could dose him with tylenol before bed (shots at the doc’s today). I didn’t finish anything, but I FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY started on our re-usable grocery bags. I cut them out ages ago, but I just never got around to sewing them. I thought I would treat you to a photo of the tremendously ugly, yet so appropriate fabric that I got for them. Yes, that is lettuce and olives with leopard stripes on pink. You are not imagining things. It’s a cotton/cotton blend that I got on super sale at Hancock’s. The cotton webbing that you see will be the straps. Sewing the straps on is the most tedious part because I have to pin to keep them straight, that’s where I am now. I have 7 LARGE bags cut out, straps sewn on to two of them. With any luck, we’ll have reusable bags in time for our next grocery shopping extravaganza!

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